"Lost in Time" delves into themes of femininity, objectification, aging, and death by challenging the notion of women as consumable objects and decorative pieces. Through a combination of dolls heads encased in glass domes and large photographic portraits displayed on the gallery walls, the narrative unfolds to explore the cycles of life, mortality, resilience, and transformation.
The artworks in the exhibition serve as a poignant commentary on the relentless passage of time and the disposable nature of contemporary society. Once treasured items, now forgotten and discarded, such as vintage cake stands, porcelain dolls, and pearls sourced from thrift stores, are given new life as they are repurposed and arranged into symbols of resilience and wisdom.
Drawing from the artist's personal experiences of loss, including the impact of death and witnessing family members coping with dementia, "Lost in Time" weaves together the themes of living ghosts and echoes of bygone eras. The exhibition invites viewers to contemplate the enduring presence of the past amidst the fleeting nature of the present, creating a thought-provoking exploration of memory, legacy, and the transient nature of existence.